I’m glad I blog. When I first started five years ago, I commented that I had piles and piles of old journals. Things I’d written that no one would ever see. At least with blogging, something might, at one point, be read and help someone else. But in the end, it’s a way for me to share thoughts and ideas.
And, it’s a way for me to remember. It’s a lot easier to search for an old blog in two clicks than to dig out a big box from the attic and leaf through pages.
That’s what I did today. I went back and re-read 4 old posts I’d written five years ago about waiting. They were just as impactful for me today as they were back then in my thought process. It was good to hear me “preach to myself” again! 🙂
So I figured I’d share the links. Since they’re from 2007, they’re buried in the deep see of blog-land, but for a moment, here, they’re going to resurface and take a breath.
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
Psalm 5:3