I just finished reading The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever. It’s a quick, powerful read that gives you a good shot in the arm.
Shots don’t usually feel good at the time. My two year old is way behind on his vaccinations, a topic that I don’t really care to get into now–but regardless, when we decided the time had come to start giving them, it wasn’t a very pleasant experience in the moment. However, after a brief cry of pain, the distraction of the band aid calmed his soul like it never happened.
However, the shot I received from reading this little book–well–I don’t want it to be forgotten as though nothing happened.
Take this passage for example:
What moments of tedium do you face? For me, it’s the endless pile of dishes and loads of laundry that stare at me day by day. It’s the question of “What’s for dinner” and “Can I have a snack?” It’s the carpet that looks dirty again hours after I’ve vacuumed.
So I often look to the next fun thing. Like reading a new blog. Writing another story. Going out with friends. I try and fill in my tedium with fun.
Some fill their tedium with food. Or TV. Or sporting events. Or working out. Or church activities. Or… what is yours?
I don’t want to just fill in the time. I want it to have purpose. I can use those moments by the sink to pray for the lost. I can teach my children the truths of Jesus while we fold towels. I can make an extra meal for someone along side my own.
I can do these things.
But will I?
Will you?