
Free Home School Favorites

Hello!  I thought I’d share a few of my favorite FREE home school items that I’ve been using lately.

Geography Games:  In two short weeks, my girls (9 & 7) have learned all the 50 states.  They also have games for capitols, rivers, and the world.  They love it, and I love the results.  (The only downside: Must use IE and not FF)

Handwriting Worksheets:  My 7 year old daughter just finished these handwriting worksheets and can write and translate in cursive pretty well.  The font is a nice style, and best of all, it’s free!

Liberty’s Kids TV Shows:  We’ve been watching these with our free trial from Netflix.  40 Awesome Episodes that coordinate perfectly with our study of American History!  My kids have the theme song memorized.  I think my library has these also for when our Netflix trial expires.  Actually, I think the $50 price tag on buying them  might be worth it!

US History Time Line:  This is so helpful!!  I love seeing everything put together.

Free Reading Lessons:  I’ve just completed my first 2 weeks of these free reading lessons (free in January ONLY) with my 5 year old son.  I used Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons with my daughters, and it worked well, but I’m prefering this for these reasons:

  1.    The teacher’s voice is always pleasant.  (I can’t say that about myself…)  
  2.    There is a coordinating worksheet.  
  3.    I am still involved every step of the way. 
  4.    There aren’t the “funny letters” that 100 Lessons used, which tripped my boy up when we got to lesson 70.  

AND… it’s FREE in January!  Download today, even if you’re considering using it. 

What free home school resources are you using right now?


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