• Christian Life - Journal

    The Relationship Boat

    You and a friend are in a canoe, oars in your hands, heading out on an adventure. You’re paddling away, visiting waterfalls, canyons, and placid streams, chit chatting. After a while, you find yourself getting tired and weary. When you take a break, your boat stops moving. Confused, you turn…

  • Christian Life

    From Dust to Temples

    Are you feeling dusty? In the American Dust Bowl, storms blew dust from Texas to New York. Children wore masks to school. Visibility was absent with the 1500 mile cloud of fog. A nightmare of apocalypse proportions. All because of dust. And that’s what we’re made of. Dust. Transient. Blown…

  • Christian Life - The Bible

    Chart for the Kings of Israel

    You’re reading through Kings and Chronicles and you’re just wishing there were a chart. At least I was. And thanks to Google, I found one! Giant thanks to Blogger Grid member Craig T. Owens (@craigtowens) for putting this chart together! I found it via an Image search and traced it back…

  • Christian Life - Journal

    Look up!

    Where am I looking? At the dust in the corners? At other people’s feeds? At my own failures? At the faults in humanity? Where am I looking? At the to do list? At my unread emails? At the unfolded laundry? At the frozen chicken that won’t make itself? Where am…

  • Christian Life

    Building the Church

    My husband builds and remodels, and can you imagine if I went onto the site and said, “It’s sort of drafty. Needs windows. This plywood is too rough to use for flooring. The lighting is terrible! All these exposed wires!” What would he say? “Hey, I’m not finished! Ease up!”…