I think my next blog will be about waiting. I’m writing it in my head, but haven’t had a chance to sit down and get it out. So you’ll have to wait for it! LOL! 🙂
When did I grow up?
What happened? I must have blinked. We had our niece and nephew over tonight. We went on a hike, ate hotdogs and smores on a camp fire, told stories in the dark, and caught lightening bugs. But actually, I didn’t catch the lightening bugs. The kids did, while I sat…
Welcome, Chloe!
My friends have a new baby Chloe. I was able to take some pictures of her today. She is so cute!
Toddler Activities
I was recently asked by a young family, “What do you do with younger children when you’re homeschooling your Kindergartner?” This was my reply: I made this list and keep it handy on a note card in the kitchen for when I’m “stumped.” I’ll also give you some websites with…
Psalm 100:2
“Worship the LORD with gladness;come before him with joyful songs!!!” I’ve been working in Vacation Bible School all week. What a blast! The kids are amazing. I could go on and on, about their memory for scripture, their hearts for their friends, their openness and love of others, their excitement…
Well, I just watched “Everybody Hates Hugo” in season 2 of Lost and I was extremely disappointed. The plot did not move along at all…. slow, slow, slow… that’s about all I have to say tonight. Oh, I got my voice back 🙂 YEA!
Hi Lori!
Surprise! I’ll see you tomorrow! LOL! Agent Sunshine signing out.