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    What to do with Santa?

    What are we, as Christians, supposed to do with Santa? There are many theories, but this being my blog, I’ll share mine. I did not grow up believing in Santa, so the idea of teaching my children that a large man comes down the chimney carrying presents seems rather foreign.…

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    Christmas Games and Crafts

    Here are a few Christmas Games and Crafts I have gathered from different sites. I like putting things like this into one place. Christmas Games: Dance! Dance to Christmas Music. Slow & Fast. FreezeBegin playing Christmas music, everyone moves and dances until the music stops then they must “freeze” in…

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    Christmas Idea: Luke 2:1-20

    I’m going to post the plan I have for my children this Christmas Season. In the past, we’ve done a version of a Jesse Tree leading up to Christmas. I’ve created a different plan this time based on Luke 2:1-20. I’ll post the general outline below. If you want a…

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    The Power of Advertising

    Our kids don’t watch TV except for movies and occasionally PBS. I appreciate PBS because there are no commercials. A recent experience made me realize just how thankful for this I really am. My girls started talking to me endlessly about this fold-and-go carseat. You can fold it up and…

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    Where does my peace come from? It is a miracle of God. Unexplainable. I could try and write a whole blog about how real God is in my life, but it really just shows by the peace that is in my soul that flows out after spending time talking with…

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    I’ve always loved thinking about Time. I remember working at an office job where, at the beginning, there was very little to do. Piles and Piles and Piles of paperwork awaited me every morning, begging to be filed. Although I know my ABC’s, filing for 8 hours is not enough…

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    Break Time

    I take a break from our previously scheduled program of moving and packing to say… “AHHHHHHH!” So not fun. We’ve spent the last 3 full days painting the new house. Ok, that was fun. And today, we’re moving appliances. Tonight, after trick or treating, I’ll be cleaning the kitchen and…