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    Lite Brite

    (This is from an old blog of mine I ran across today, written on 02/06. I thought it was worthy of a re-post here) đŸ™‚ This afternoon at my parent’s house, my mom pulled out my old Lite Brite. (You know, where you stick the pegs in the black paper…

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    Cobwebs in the Soul

    Today I’m having one of those days. I didn’t get up when my alarm told me to, I had to rush right into the day w/ the kids, I didn’t have a quiet time, I still haven’t showered, I’m tired from staying up too late, I have dishes left over…

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    Nearly Free Dates

    I love going on a date with my husband! Last night I was thinking, we are in such a great city, there should be dozens of nearly-free dates available. This takes creativity because it goes beyond dinner and a movie. (And a trip to Target – we always end up…

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    Keep Moving Forward!

    I was recently inspired by the movie, “Meet the Robinsons.” I don’t want to give away the plot that literally brought a tear or two at the end, but there’s a motto throughout the show, “Keep Moving Forward.” There’s a time in the movie when our under-dog genius makes another…

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    The Tree Hunt

    The 10th Annual Tree Hunt A tradition we’ve had since we’ve been married is to cut down our tree the day after Thanksgiving. Each year we head out in search of a tree farm. We never go the same way twice, and we usually end up somewhere new. This year…