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    Peace, Be Still

    I’m reading a book about Fear. What am I afraid of? If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll remember that I talked about this last spring too. If you’d seen me last night, clenching my teeth and curling my toes, tucked in tightly under my covers, you’d know. Really bad…

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    Ahhh.. Grocrey Shopping

    Riddle: What do Jalapeno Peppers and Sparkling Grape Juice Have in Common? I have a grocery shopping plan that I implemented last fall. I do a major shopping trip the first of the month, usually at Aldi and Costco, I buy my meat ahead of time through farmers, and I…

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    One of those days

    It’s a cookie dough day. I’m eating it right now for lunch. There are dirty dishes in my sink and the dishwasher is full.I’m halfway through laundry, so it’s still all over the place.My kitchen floor is sticky.The carpets need a vacuum to come and rescue them.You can’t even see…

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    A Turtle on a fence

    I just heard an interesting quote supporting the idea of Intelligent Design. If we saw a turtle sitting on a fence post, everyone would ask, “How did it get there?” I think that is very clever.

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    Cinderella – my slideshow

    I created this slideshow for a Daddy & Daughter Date Event at my church. The song is “Cinderella” by Steve Curtis Chapman. I used pictures I had, pictures people emailed me, and a few fillers I found online.