A Hymn that grew to one of my favorites recently: Be Still My Soul Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side.Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;leave to your God to order and provide;in every change God faithful will remain.Be still, my soul: your best, your…
Homeschooling Curriculums
A friend from high school recently asked for my thoughts & some information about homeschooling. I am by no means an expert, having just 7, 5, & 3 Year Olds, but I’ll be happy to share what I’ve gathered so far! Keep in mind that Indiana has different laws than…
Who is Jesus?
This is a new video from our pastor: Who is Jesus? from College Park Church on Vimeo.
Indianapolis Children’s Museum
Does this look familiar? This is how my kids spend at least 15 minutes of the day whenever we go to the museum. Hey, whatever makes them happy, right?
Read Alouds
Here is a list of some of our favorite read aloud books so far. (That means we made it all the way through and they really liked it. There were many, many books that we abandoned along the way…) Charlotte’s WebThe Trumpet of the SwanThe Magicians NephewThe Dangerous JourneyThe Toys…
I will praise you in the Storm by Casting Crowns
I thought this was appropriate, considering my last blog entry: