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    Baby Names

    We are having a really tough time with a boy’s name. I know he’ll be here soon, and usually we have a short list we’re working off of by now, but we keep shooting down every name we sort of like. We like it for a few days, and then…

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    A Second Chance

    I just love homeschooling my kids. There are so many reasons, I can’t even begin to list them in this blog, but I came up with a new one last week – it’s a second chance for me! I had a great time in school, made a lot of friends,…

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    Once Upon a Holy Night

    I was looking over my much-neglected blog recently and realized I’ve made a shift. Originally, I started blogging as an outlet for my creative writing. I love to write, but hardly make time for it anymore. Over time, it’s turned more into a mish-mash of my favorite things, opinions, songs,…

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    Christmas Read Alouds

    Hi! I’m currently reading, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” to my kids. In talking about it to friends, we’re all reading that this year! What other read aloud chapter books are out there for Christmas time? I know of good, shorter picture books, but not longer novels. I’d welcome any…

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    Thankfulness Election of 2008

    As a Conservative Christian, it comes as no surprise that the candidate I voted for yesterday did not win. And how are we to respond?Well, I’m responding with thankfulness. Not thankfulness for a loss… that is out of the question. But thankfulness for the freedoms I have been blessed to…

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    In The Waiting

    Last year, I blogged a lot about waiting. I think I mentioned the song Everlasting God by Chris Tomlin. Well, I just heard another great song about waiting while watching Fireproof, a movie I HIGHLY recommend!!! (For so many more reasons beyond the fact that my childhood crush is in…