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    Ear Thermometers – Good To Know!

    Summary: Ear Thermometers don’t register correctly over 102/103 degrees. Katie’s been sick, and at bedtime her temp went up to 104. We gave her a bath, continued the Tylenol, and she went to bed. at Midnight, it was still high, but then at 4 AM it registered at 105.7! I…

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    Waiting for Labor

    I didn’t write this, but wish I had… enjoy 🙂 Waiting Dear Baby, here beneath my heart, I thought that you might come today; The timing seemed just right. But the stars are out And the moon is high And sheepishly I wonder why I try to arrange the plans…

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    Boredom Buster!

    It was a boring Saturday night. We’ve been home a lot lately, and we’d already played, painted, and goofed around all day. We watched a movie at rest time and were at a loss as to what to do after dinner. Lee and I stared blankly at each other, knowing…

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    41 Weeks

    What else do you do when 41 weeks pregnant to pass the time? You play in Photoshop! At least I do… This is for you, Jenna! You can see more on FB.

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    A Time To Be Born…

    I am 41 weeks pregnant today, and so I’m caught in yet another round of waiting. I started blogging about waiting a couple of years ago, and since then, I’ve realized that it’s just a normal part of life. The good news is that I’m getting better at it! It’s…