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    Cucumber Tomato Salad

    I love our garden! I was looking for a recipe to use my cucumbers and tomatoes, and I ran across a great recipe that I tweaked a bit. Here’s the final, yummy result! (I double it) Cucumber Tomato Salad INGREDIENTS• 4 or more medium fresh tomatoes, cut into 1 inch…

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    Living in light of forever…

    My thoughts tonight… God made our universe in 6 days. He’s been preparing Heaven for 2000 years. Can anyone even begin to imagine what that will be like? A father builds a paper airplane with his son. His son laughs and watches it soar. Then his dad takes him on…

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    Self Control

    This week I’m teaching my kids about Self Control, using I Peter 5:8. “Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Whenever I’m teaching them a new character trait, the Lord sees fit to test me as well.…

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    I Will Trust You

    Our church has their Spring Musical “Glorious” this weekend, and we went Friday night. Having little Kevin has left me a bit sleep deprived & spiritually dry, which is to be expected – it’s a season I’ve experienced for a couple of months after each baby – and I was…

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    My Heritage

    While making dinner tonight, I was listening to Swing Music and thinking about how much I liked the new Star Trek Movie. Then I thought, “This is sort of a strange combination.” I started pondering how the different people in my life have shaped me into the person I am.…

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    Kevin is 1 Month Old!

    Happy Birthday, Kevin! He is such a delight! He’s very laid back, but by his entrance into the world, I suppose that was to be expected. 🙂 He has a fussy time in the evening, but over all is happy and content. He’s smiling a lot at people! He also…

  • Christian Life - Jesus

    What makes Good Friday good?

    This is a re-post from my blog entry two years ago… What makes Good Friday good? Death, blood, thieves, darkness… And why did Jesus have to die anyway? Why couldn’t God have said, “To cleanse yourself from your sin, you must wash in the river.” Imagine that my daughter Abby…