I have been so tired lately. I’ve been going to bed before 10 and sleeping until 7 or 8, and still waking up tired. I’m achy, edgy, and have headaches. This is not normal… I can usually survive on little sleep, with a quick nap in the afternoon. When I…
Crank up your speakers and enjoy this message! I might have blown my speakers this morning as the kids and I sang and danced in the living room. We were inspired by our Jesse Tree passage today, after reading about the flood, Matthew 24:35-44. 35 Heaven and earth will pass…
Multipication – Check!
I started using Times Tales with my 9 year old this week, and my goodness, it’s better than I could have imagined! She proudly was able to shout out times facts at the dinner table tonight! All without tears and endless drill. She actually asked, “Mom, do I get to…
Updated Website!
I just read a blog from my publisher that said “Why every author should have a website.” Then another blog was linked to it, “Top five things to have on your website.” So, I thought I’d make a website! We’ve had www.Emerickhome.com for a long time, so I added a…
Love Like Crazy!
Our new theme song for our marriage! We met at 17 and got married at 19… that’s crazy. 🙂 I love you, Lee!!! Thanks for being crazy with me!
Will You Hug Me?
Our most recent Safe Family boy left today. You may have seen us around with B over the last month. Perhaps you witnessed him screaming and thrashing because he didn’t want to leave Sunday School class. Or maybe you were the man who stopped B from running into the street…
A Daily Email that Counts
“That all the peoples of the earthmay know that the Lord is God;there is no one else.” 1 Kings 8:60 I get daily emails about a lot of things. Most involve spending money. Groupon, Living Social, MoneySavingMom, FreeCycle, etc. I probably get 30 of these types of emails daily, or…