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    Crying Wolf

    Ice Storm 2005 Monday morning, shelves of bread and milk were emptied from our grocery store.  Lowes sold out of generators by 10 AM.  You would have thought they were giving away gas.  Lines stretched across the parking lot at Costco, and rather than free, they raised the price by…

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    Photo Contest

    If you love it, come vote for my entry in the Shutterfly Photo Contest. (The picture might look familiar… I’m using it as the book cover for my book, Surrender.) Contest details

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    Looking for Joy?

    A short time ago I started praying for more Joy.  Not the fake joy I can muster from being an overly optimistic person, but true, inner joy that doesn’t fade when my kids irritate me or my day doesn’t go as planned.  Do you know what I’m talking about? God…

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    Hugs and Kisses

    Have you ever wanted to freeze time? After prayers and hugs tonight, I told my 5 year old boy N, “Now one day, a long time from now, when you’re all grown, you’ll meet a kind, pretty young lady, and you will fall in love with her. But! Until then,…

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    Hope Magazine

    I was an actress today in the filming of a commercial for Hope Magazine, directed by Dija Henry.  I met a dozen beautiful, intelligent, kind women and had a great afternoon!  Hope Magazine started in Indianapolis five years ago.  The copy I was able to preview today was beautiful.  Their…

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    Please notice the question mark after that 3-letter combination. It’s because I was asking, “Why The Frown?” Isn’t that what you were thinking? What? You were thinking of something else? And I probably offended you, too. That’s why you were frowning at me… Now that I have your attention, I’d…