• The Bible

    Miracles, Prophecies, and Tongues

    It’s theology Tuesday, and I’m in part 5 of a series of questions on Bibliology for my open-book NANC Counseling exams.  These have not been reviewed yet and are my first take on the subjects.  Comments are appreciated and welcome! Question:  Many Christians today speak of continuing revelation.  Relate this…

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    Pick Your Passion

    A few weeks ago, I read the book Unplanned and then attended a prayer event at my church where a portion of the time was spent praying for Life.  I immediately checked the website to find out how I could start counseling women there as a volunteer. And then the…

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    The Smartest Man I Know!

    I love my husband.  I asked him to clear a path today for our guests coming to our Super Bowl Party.  He just stared at me like I was crazy. There are 4 inches of ice and then snow on top. I just peeked outside, and he came up with…

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    Super-Fast Dinner: For THOSE days…

    It’s 5:08. The kids will be coming inside soon from the cold snow. My husband will be on his way home. The Toddler will be rousing from his later than usual nap.  I have a pounding, aching, splitting headache that appeared out of nowhere and put me on the couch…

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    Science with Pancakes

    Breakfast & Science Experiments!  That’s my kind of multi-tasking!  I found this recipe on www.allrecipes.com.  It was delicious!!!  The pancakes were incredibly fluffy, and we were able to have a science lesson on fermentation.  We’re going to try to make plastic out of milk next!   http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/plasticmilk.html  A few notes…

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    Skunks: By Abby

    My 9 Year Old just wrote a little poem about skunks so I thought I’d share it. Skunks eat bugs,They don’t give hugs.If you get too close,Just plug your nose.When you’re asleep at night,They’re up… all right! This reminded me of my Aunt Nancy who had a skunk as a…