We like to have cleaning time to music. My sister in law just introduced me to this song, NY2LA by Press Play… and we can’t get enough of it! I’ve asked her to teach us a dance to it. (Just to do in the privacy of our home of course……
Alone Time with Mom
Four kids seems like an army to some, while just the beginning for others. For us, it’s perfect. However, I will say that it can be challenging to make time for all of them. Home Schooling is a huge blessing when it comes to this because I need to do…
Mila’s Daydreams – Beautiful Creativity!
I recently received an email spotlighting Adele Enersen’s Photography. When her daughter was little, she tried to capture what she was dreaming about during naptime. These are brilliant! You’ll have to go out to her site to see them all close up. Prepare to be amazed and delighted. She has…
3D Book Cover
I just used this site to follow a tutorial to make a 3D Book Cover for Surrender: http://www.pure-graphics.org/page.php?id=110 What do you think?
What are you reading?
Right now I’m reading a biography on Amy Carmichael. I love her passion. It fascinates me how many missionaries struggle with health issues, and yet they persevere. I can’t wait to read it to my kids I am starting Toliver’s Secret with my kids today. We just finished Johnny Tremain,…
Surrender, A Novel, Now Available for Purchase!!
It’s official! The novel I wrote last summer is now available for purchase! Summary: Growing up as a strong-willed girl in the early 1800’s, Annabel Turner believes the harsh rules of her high-society life are suffocating. She longs for a world free of hypocrisy and pride, where she can…
Grilled Cheese – Success!
After yet another failed attempt at making grilled cheese, I posted the following on facebook: “I am going to abandon the idea of making grilled cheese. I always burn it. I don’t care what anyone says, I am WAY to distractable to sit and focus for the 15 minutes it…