Day 25: Praying for His Repentance Dear Lord, You tell us that the one who covers his transgressions will not prosper, (Prov 28:13) and when King David kept silent about his sins, his body wasted away and he was in pain all day. I know that eventually everything that is…
Husband Prayers: Day 24
Day 24: Praying for “His Talk” Lord, You tell us a lot in Your Word about our words, and so I bring my husband’s speech to you today. On the day of judgment, he will give an account for every worthless word he speaks (Matt 12:36). I pray that nothing…
Husband Prayers: Day 23
Day 23: Praying for His Walk Lord, you say that there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov 14:12) I pray that my husband’s walk is guided by you as he trusts You with all his heart and doesn’t…
Husband Prayers: Day 22
Day 22: Praying for His Emotions Dear Lord, I pray for my husband’s emotions. When life is full of troubles and he feels helpless, anxious, worried, angry, jealous, or __________, I pray that he turns to you for help. I know that You know about his pain and you are…
Husband Prayers: Day 21
Day 21: Praying for His Marriage Lord, your plan for marriage was for my husband and I to become one flesh. Even Paul says this is a great mystery! And also that You are the one who joined us together, so we are never to separate in divorce. (Matt 19:5-6)…
Husband Prayers: Day 17
When I said, “Let’s pray for 30 days,” you didn’t think I meant 30 days in a row, did you? 😉 For those following along, thanks for your patience! Life just keeps happening, and often blogging falls near the end of the list. Day 17: Praying for His Relationships Lord,…
Husband Prayers: Day 16
Day 16: Praying for His Priorities Lord, You tell us very clearly what our priorities should be: We need to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. If his priorities do not line up with your will, please work on his heart to adjust them accordingly. If he is putting…