4 year old Nathan, it appears, is another writer in the making. Usually he tells his stories, but today he wanted to type it. Here is what he typed, and then below it is his translation that I typed for him:
Where do you want to go? Do you want to go to CVS? Do you want to go to Starbucks?
Do you want to go to CVS?
No, I’m tired. I want something to eat.
Do you want to go where the Bouncy Houses are?
Oh, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh, no, no, I want to go HOME!!!!! Now I want to go and type.
Hey, I do not know how to spell. Ok, I do not want to type. If I don’t know how to spell, I won’t type. ANYONE! If you don’t want to type, don’t do it. And if you don’t know how to read, don’t type.
Now I want to go to my friend’s house. Oh, yeah!
Do you want to spend the night at your friend’s house?
Oh yeah! There’s a rocket ship at my friend’s houses.
Ok, ok, ok. I’ll go to your friend’s house. Ok, ok. Let’s go!
Ok, let’s ride in the rocket ship. We’re riding in the rocket ship! Woo-hoo! We’re riding in the rocket ship. Ok, the end!